Here’s what’s new in Rainbow Six Siege Operation Neon Dawn.

4 min readNov 9, 2020

As per tradition, Rainbow Six Siege has delivered another season following Shadow Legacy. Operation Neon Dawn is going live on 9th November and here’s what players can expect in this new season

The fourth season of Year 5 brings us an Operator from Thailand with new gadgets and packing loadout.



Meet Aruni, Nighthaven's newest recruit and a defender. Her gadget is the Surya Gate, an entry denying gadget similar to Kapkan’s EDD. She is capable of setting up her gadget on doorways, walls and hatches which deals 40 hp to any attacker if they come into physical contact. Zapping the attacker will cause the device to go into cooldown for 30 seconds or until someone shoots the trigger from behind to reactivate it again.

Surya Gate deploying


Aruni comes equipped with an MK14 EBR and P10roni along with PRB92 as her secondary. Aruni is the first defender to have access to DMR ( Designated Marksman Rifle). Her secondary gadget consists of a choice between Barbed wire and Proximity mine. Her passive ability allows her to break barricades, hatches in one melee hit which makes her a powerful roamer. This is due to her prosthetic robotic arm that she can deliver such strong hits and make big holes on soft walls.

Skyscraper and other reworks

Operation Neon Dawn is also introducing us to the rework of Skyscraper map which was scheduled to be released in Y5S3. The skyscraper was introduced in Y2S1 way back in 2017. This map proved to be popular among casual and pro players alike, however, it has some issues that plagued this map since its release. This rework removed a lot of runout spots to deal with those issues allowing attackers to safely push towards the site. Several balconies and windows are now closed and defenders now need to be creative if they want to spawn peek or rush out. With test server going live soon, we can only wait to see how this new map leaves an impression on pro players and casual players alike.

Hibana’s Rework

Hibana’s long overdue rework is happening this season. Previously, she can only shoot her pellets 3 times with each shot consisting of 6 pellets. ith her rework, she can now toggle her gadget to shoot 2/4/6 pellets with 12 total in reserve. This will make Hibana a strong choice among other hard breachers and Hibana mains will have more freedom to make decisions

Other Reworks and Changes

Jaeger and Echo saw a huge nerf to their gadgets which will severely impact their gameplay and pick rate in all mediums of matches. Jaeger’s ADSes will go into 10-second cooldown after using one charge. Meanwhile, Echo’s Yokais are losing cloak ability which will make them visible to every attacker thus making it easier to spot. Echo and Jaeger players will have a hard time adapting to the now increased skill ceiling of their respective mains but this also means they will encourage more strategic gameplay and strong communication among their squadmates.

Quality of Life

Outside of Operator and Map changes, Rainbow Six Siege is focusing on stirring up the meta a little bit. Runout timer for Defenders is going to be reduced to 1 second from 2 seconds, giving attackers a little more breather to escape runouts or ambush. Don't worry, Defenders are getting a buff too along with this nerf. The reinforcement time is also significantly reduced and now it approximately takes 1 to 2 second to reinforce a single wall.

There are some other UI and interaction changes with many more to be revealed in Patch notes. Once the test server goes live, we will provide you our analysis on the patch notes.

Operation Neon Dawn is going live soon on Test Server and with an estimated 3–4 weeks period, the Operation will be released live on Public Server.




just a little man with big dreams